1. What Is Pan In Dating Sites
  2. What Is Pan In Dating Site Crossword Clue
  3. What Is Pan In Dating Site Mean
  4. What Dating Sites Work
  5. What Is Pan In Dating Site Code
  6. What Is Pan In Dating Site Meaning

Pansexuality (n): is sexual or romantic attraction to someone without regard to their sex or gender. It can also be called omnisexuality or being gender-blind. The most important characteristic is that a pansexual person is not restricted by being attracted to one gender or the other.

What’s The Difference Between Pansexual And Bi?

The meaning of PANSEXUAL is of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction that is not limited to people of a particular gender identity or sexual orientation; also: not solely gay or straight. Pan-African Dating Site, Nairobi, Kenya. 5,718 likes 15 talking about this. At panafricandating.com we help African singles worldwide to connect and mingle to find love and Marriage partners we. The Pansexual Relationship Is Not Polygamy. Just as people think that bisexuality is cheating, this is a common misunderstanding. Pansexuals can also be loyal to feelings, not to being able to participate in monogamous relationships. This misunderstanding is completely wrong. So, stop assuming that we are interested in threesome and other bangs.

A bisexual person can be attracted to a man or a woman. A pansexual person rejects the gender binary to begin with. They may be attracted to men, women, and non-binary people.

Who Can A Pansexual Person Date?

  • Someone of their own gender
  • Someone of the opposite gender
  • Someone who has no gender
  • Someone who is trans
  • Someone who is cis
  • Someone who is gay
  • Someone who is straight
  • Someone who is not pansexual
  • Literally whoever they want!

What Is It Like To Date A Pansexual Person?

“I am a gay male while my partner’s pansexual. He is the absolute man of my dreams, he understands and loves me so unconditionally and we share a happy relationship together.

However, whenever he shares his desires and fantasies with me of things that goes beyond what I have the capacity to do for him, I feel heartache. I feel like I cannot fully “inhabit his heart,” and that these attractions are closed-off areas which I can never truly reach nor satisfy. Whenever we are intimate, I cannot help but to mull over these thoughts, and it makes me feel distant and sad.

He asks me what’s wrong, but I am reluctant to share with him my jealousy. The last thing I want is for him to feel bad about his own sexuality.

Am I prejudiced to think this way? I understand pansexual individuals have a hard time in society and the last thing I want to do is to perpetuate any more prejudice towards them. I just cannot help but to feel like I cannot be everything for him.” — Anon

“Chances are many of us have dated bi/pansexual people and not realized it. Not everyone is out, or maybe they haven’t come to terms with how they feel. It seems like a lot of guys feel like they can’t explore their feelings for the same sex without being stigmatized. I can’t imagine dating him will be any different from dating a straight guy.” — Anon

“My fiance is about to marry a pansexual lady (me) I’d like to think it’s a lot like being with anyone else. I’m completely on the monogamy boat. Same rules apply as a “straight” relationship. I don’t walk around flirting with everyone, making lewd or sexual comments about others. It’s like a normal relationship. Totally weird, right? :D” — Anon

“But as much as I wanted to be cool with it, and as much as he wanted to make holistic sense of his own life choices, we couldn’t pretend the past hadn’t happened. Soon, the nuances of sexual history became major issues. And by nuances, what I really mean is butt stuff.

“Would you ever consider doing me, instead of me always doing you?” Matt asked.

“I don’t know,” I said, taken aback. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Can’t you just get a strap-on and try it?”” — From “IT HAPPENED TO ME: I Dated a Pansexual Porn Star”

“I’m out as pansexual to my fiancé.

His favorite part about it is that we can discuss hot actresses together while watching movies. I’ve teased him before about his man crush on David Tennant; I’d probably make a comment to the effect of “HA! I KNEW IT!”

Bi and pan people are no more likely to cheat than straight people or gay people. Cheating is a huge deal-breaker for me and I’d never dream of doing it. Being pansexual just means I have more chances to find somebody attractive.

Attraction does not mean you’ll cheat. It just means you think someone is hot. There’s a vast world of difference there.” — Addison R

“The relationship with the person was more pertinent than their history. Fidelity is far more important for me.” — David B

“I’ve been dating a pansexual man for over four years, and it pretty much just means that gender of any kind doesn’t matter to him.” — geekitygeek

“My girlfriend is pansexual. Everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, has preferences and fantasies. Some of them might be met and some of them might not. It doesn’t mean that they’re missing out on anything.” — Aspen

“Anne was quite upfront with me about that on our very first date. The fact of the matter, as in any serious relationship, was that she chose me. She wanted to be with me. Not with another man, not with a woman, with me.

Being pansexual or bisexual doesn’t mean the person is going to be cheating on you. It doesn’t mean there can’t be a meaningful monogamous relationship.

Now when Anne and I ended the relationship nine months later, her next serious relationship happened to be with a woman. And the one after that. And then she met the lover of her life – again a woman – and they’ve been happily married for 22 years (last month).” — Jerald C

“I’ve been involved with another bisexual guy, and it was very interesting to say the least. He has ideas about sex, sexuality and relationships which are very different in some respects from my own, but not in ways which made us incompatible.

He’s also one of those people who’s very profoundly comfortable in his own skin, particularly in the sense of being male. He really likes being a guy, likes everything about that in himself, and likes those same things in other males as well. I think on rare occasion that also just manifests as sexual attraction to certain guys too. He’s also the only person I’ve met who was unabashedly enthusiastic about initially realizing that he was bisexual.

It was his first and only relationship with another guy, mainly because there are very few guys he’s attracted to sexually. He was also really fun to be around while we were going to school together, and we’re still friends and keep in touch.

I respect and understand pansexuality (at least as much as I can without being pansexual myself,) but it involves a perspective on gender which would be fundamentally incompatible with my own, in the context of a sexual relationship. There’s no fault involved there, but gender identity (particularly in a social sense) is too primarily involved in the ways in which I’m attracted to people for me to be comfortable with it being viewed as more trivial by a partner. That’s just me though, because I’m at the very far end of the bisexual-pansexual “scale,” which probably most bisexual people aren’t. (There’s an actual continuum between gender-specific attraction, and attraction regardless of gender, it’s not a binary thing.)” — Chris770

“My girlfriend and I dated for 4+ years, they were really the only person that knew I was trans before I came out publicly. As I started to transition they tried to make it work, but ultimately cut things off. This was about a year ago, and I’ve had a very hard time recovering and rebounding from it, especially since after breaking up they began to identify as pansexual, genderqueer and are now into feminine people. I’m a transwoman so I’m just confused as to why it didn’t work out, I seem to fit the criteria still.” — Juniper41

“I dated a pansexual chick who had identified as, and lived as, a lesbian for 7 years, within the lesbian community of a major city.

When she discovered she was also attracted to men, and fucked one, she told a lesbian friend.

She was ostracized. Her sexual preference is apparently considered awful among serious lesbians, and they treated her like a homosexual man would be in the 50’s.” — the_red_scimitar

“My boyfriend identifies as Pansexual which I’m fine with (because why should I have a problem with that) but most of the time he has a really low sex drive (like he only wants to have sex maybe twice a month) this wouldn’t be a problem except I have a really high sex drive. Some days I feel like I’m pressuring him to have sex which then turn makes me feel shitty for doing it. Is it normal for him to have such a low sex drive? Is it possible that he’s more attracted to men? I’ve talked to him about it but he never really responds, he only apologizes for it, which stresses me out.” — Ihaveaproblemagain

“I identify as pansexual. I’ve been with both men and women and people who do not identify with either of those genders at all. For me personally, it has never made a lot of sense to say “I am only attracted to boys/girls/etc.” because, well, there is no way I will ever be able to meet every single person on earth in order to generalize about that sort of thing.. I am much more interested in what is going on in your brain and heart than what is going on inside of your pants. I’ve been attracted to fem girls, girls who look more masculine and identify with the male gender, boys who look and act more feminine, boys who are extremely masculine.. pansexuality doesn’t really mean that you aren’t concerned about appearance; if I like who you are as a person, and want to date you, chances are that attraction will generalize to your anatomy and gender as well. I’m currently dating a heterosexual boy who prefers androgynous girls and I’ve never been more happy. Different strokes and all that..” — broccolib0b

Are Pansexual People Real?

Yes, pansexual is a real sexual orientation people identify as when they are attracted to people regardless of their gender or sex. This is nothing less “real” about pansexuality than identifying as straight or gay.

Here Is A Firsthand Account Of What It’s Like To Be A Pansexual Person

Pansexuality Is A Completely Legitimate Sexuality by Mackenzie Dare Campbell

I publicly (as public as Facebook gets, at least) came out as pansexual. To fully understand, it’s important to know that I’ve struggled with my sexuality for quite some time. Here’s a quick summary of my almost-daily thoughts: Being attracted to a woman makes me gay, right? Arrgh! That’s so restricting! What if I see a cute guy?! Wait, that means I’m straight, right? But what about non-binary people?! What does that mean?

What am I? Who am I?

You may be thinking something along the lines of, “Dude, chill. Just say you’re bi or something.” That crossed my mind (and added to my struggle), but it just didn’t seem to fit.

When I made my true identity public, I was finally able to put all of my thoughts and feelings about love, romance, sex, and my confusing desires into words: I’m pansexual. And in all honesty, I do and don’t understand why this is such a hard concept for so many people to grasp. Yes, I understand that not everyone will be attracted to people of the same gender, but I also don’t understand why it’s hard for someone to understand love that knows no boundaries.

What Is Pan In Dating Sites

Why is it hard to understand that I will love someone regardless of gender? I’ve only really told this to a few people, but when I look at someone, I don’t see a biological sex or gender. I’m not ignoring their sexual and gender identities, I just don’t base my attraction on either of those. I just see a person, a soul, a spirit.

So, what is pansexuality? Pansexuality is “the capability of attraction to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. A pansexual could be open to someone who is male, female, transgender, intersex, or agendered/genderqueer.”

Again, you may be thinking, “Sooo… You’re bi?” No. There’s a distinction between bisexuality and pansexuality: “People who self-identify as pansexual do so with purpose, to express that they are able to be attracted to various gender and sexual identities, whether they fall within the gender binary or not.”

Alright, so I’ve figured out who I am and I’ve just told everyone I know. Now what? As you can imagine, waiting to see how people would respond was probably the most tense and terrifying moment of my life. Yeah, that didn’t last long.

I was met with so much support and positivity. I received so many comments and messages that were filled with love, support, and kindness. I had an unexpected number of people tell me that my message was inspiring, but honestly, I thought all of their kind words were so much more inspiring than I could ever be. Okay, so this sounds like a great coming out experience, right? Well, it gets better!

While I was in the car with my mother the next day, she asked if I felt better now that I’m out, to which I responded, “Yes!” (Actually, I said something like, “I guess,” but I really wanted to shout at her and tell her how happy and appreciative I was.) She then told me that she had always known I wasn’t straight.

If that didn’t surprise me enough, she continued to tell me that my entire family, some friends, and friends of the family had always suspected it, too. Of course this made me extremely happy (I found it quite hilarious, honestly), but now I have to wonder… Did I make it that obvious? I wish someone had told me sooner. I wouldn’t have had to struggle and be so confused for all these years.

All joking aside, I’ve had such a wonderful coming out experience, and I truly wish that everyone could have such an inspiring and easy experience. I know that’s not the case, but I do so long for a world that isn’t filled with prejudice and hate.

I want everyone to feel accepted and loved, and I hope that we can eventually all live in a harmonious world in which heterosexuality isn’t assumed. Every single comment and message I received was so empowering, but one specific comment has stayed in my mind, and I think it will always stay with me:

“I’m sorry we live in a world where our sexuality is assumed and expected, and where something that should be a non-issue requires a ‘coming out.’ I’m sorry that friends and family and loving strangers and acquaintances have to say things like, ‘You’re brave,’ and, ‘I admire your courage,’ just because we love a certain way.

I’m sorry we have to worry about how our friends and loved ones will interpret and accept this very personal, very particular, very important part of our identities. But I’m happy there are people who see and understand. And in a world where acceptance isn’t ever guaranteed, it’s always nice to see someone say, ‘This is all of me.’ Much love for your openness.”

This comment is such a perfect summary of the world we live in and the struggles that those of us in the LGBTQIA+ community face on a daily basis. It also sums up every single thing that I hope to see change in my lifetime.

I hope that by sharing my entire, true self with the world, maybe I can help stop some of the negativity and hate surrounding those of us who don’t fit into our heteronormative surroundings. I also hope that my story can inspire some of you to find and accept your true selves and maybe even to share your true selves with the world. If you do, I hope you’re met with as much kindness and love as I have been.

In the words of Ingrid Nilsen, always remember to “give yourself your best chance.”

If you have a Griswold cast iron skillet that has been hiding in the back of your kitchen cupboard. Then it is time to bring it out, dust it off, and start using these vintage pans. People really enjoy and treasure these old skillets, including myself.

In this article, you can learn to date and identify your Griswold cast iron using markings. And also by the different logos and brands, Selden & Griswold and Griswold Manufacturing Company used between 1873-1957.

Table of contents

  • Selden & Griswold cast iron
  • Erie cast iron
  • Griswold cast iron skillet logos
  • Victor cast iron
  • Iron Mountain
  • Good Health cast iron
  • Best Made skillets
  • Puritan cast iron
  • Merit cast iron

Griswold Manufacturing background

Helpful articles for further reading.

Once you have finished reading this article, I have written beginner’s guides to Griswold skillets. To help noncollectors use, and enjoy their Griswold ironware.

  1. Should I buy a Griswold cast iron skillet?
  2. Where are the best places to buy Griswold ironware as a novice?
  3. How to spot faults in the skillet to avoid overpaying?
  4. Is my antique skillet worth anything?

Disclaimer: I have tried my best to keep the information as accurate as possible by carefully researching. I have also collected cast iron for over 10 years, so I have a little experience behind me. But dates vary between sources, and factors such as handle design can slightly change the date of manufacture.

However, I have spent many hours creating this identification guide. And I hope you find it helpful and informative.

Selden & Griswold cast iron 1873-1884

Matthew Griswold and two brothers from the Selden teamed up and started to make door hinges in 1868. Their factory was known as the Butt Factory, named after the door hinge (butt hinge) manufactured in the casting works.

Selden & Griswold started to manufacture hollowware in 1873. But most of the cookware with this logo was probably made in the 1880s. Even though Mathew Griswold bought out the company in 1884, he still used the Selden Griswold logos.

After all, it would have taken a lot of time and money to register new patent designs. And to make new molds. Check out our other article to learn about the history of Griswold Manufacturing. Wikipedia also has some information on Griswold. Although I hope my article is a little more detailed.

How old is my Griswold cast iron skillet? Logo approximate dates

Erie cast iron (approximation date 1880-1907)

Erie cast iron is some of the most sought-after vintage cast iron you can collect. Griswold used this logo between 1880-1907.

Erie cast iron skillets are very thin and light. Because of this, they are more prone to warping. So if you are buying an Erie online, make sure you ask the seller if the skillet rocks or spins. That being said, I would not look past an Erie skillet just because it has a little movement.

Erie skillets are also known to be super smooth and are often priced similar to other vintage pans.

Other foundries during the time used Erie skillets as a template to make their own molds. And it is not uncommon the find Sidney Hollow Ware and Wapak skillets with an Erie ghost mark.

What Is Pan In Dating Site Crossword Clue

If you have an Erie skillet, you can further break the Erie logo into 6 different variations. The Wagner and Griswold Society has an article on the markings and variations of the Erie skillets.

Diamond logo

If you look at the back of your cast iron Griddle, and you see a diamond logo. Then it is your lucky day. The Griswold Diamond logo is an early logo, and it is more scarce than other logos.

Griswold manufactured griddles with this logo Circa 1884-1910. The logo is positioned in the center. Unfortunately, this is an area on cast iron often damaged by sulfur pitting.

Griswold’s Erie Trademark

What Is Pan In Dating Site Mean

Griswold used this logo somewhere between 1905-1909. There are conflicting dates, so I used a conservative timeline. Since Griswold used the Griswold’s Erie logo for a short time, it is harder to find skillets with this logo.

The Griswold’s Erie logo is the first Griswold logo. It transitions from previously used Erie logos to Griswold logos. However, the Griswold’s Erie logo shares similarities which Erie skillets.


Look for Griswolds’s Erie skillets between sizes 6-9 and 11 to 12.

Griswold Slant logo with heat ring no EPU.

The first of the famous Griswold skillet logos. The Griswold Manufacturing company used the Slant trademark from 1906-1916. Again this is a wide conservative range.

The Griswold slant logo is easy to recognize with the word Griswold which is in italics. Also, the Slant logo has characteristics that differ from Erie and Griswold’s Erie skillets.

Changes Griswold made on their Slant logo skillets.

  • The size number on the base of the skillet moved from the 6 o’clock to 12 o’clock position.
  • Erie is placed below the Griswold logo. From 1880-1907 the word Erie is placed at 12 o’clock.
  • The pattern number moved from the center of the skillet to 6 o’clock on the skillet to make room for the Griswold circle cross logo.

Griswold Slant logo sizes

Slant logo sizes range from 1-14. The largest skillet with the Griswold Slant logo is #14. A Griswold #13 slant logo can cost thousands of dollars to the serious collector. Needless to say, the skillet has to be in excellent condition to achieve this price.

Griswold slant logo with E.P.U and heat ring

The Griswold slant trademark changed to add the words cast iron skillet in an arc at 12 o’clock on the skillet. The EPU is in reference to the wording Erie PA., U.S.A., on the skillet.

The slant logo, however, remained the same. Again I cannot pinpoint the exact date of manufacture of the Griswold slant logo with EPU. If you have a Griswold slant logo with EPU the manufacture date is around 1909-1929.

Slant logo without Erie marking

I have only seen this trademark used on a few Griswold cast iron skillets. It seems to be quite rare. The logo is the same as the Slant logo without the EPU marking. And, this logo also omits the marking Erie.

Griswold cast iron skillets without Erie marking had a manufacture date around 1909-the 1920s.

Sizes available: I have only seen the large slant logo without Erie on size #9 skillets. I do not know of other skillet sizes that came with this logo.

Large block logo (with heat ring)

One of the more popular markings or trademarks. And is known as the Griswold block logo. The block logo is very similar to the Slant logo. However, the word Griswold is no longer in italics. Griswold is in straight block lettering.

Skillets with the block logo probably were made between 1920-1930. Griswold also manufactured a wide of sizes ranging from 0-14. However, Griswold Manufacturing also made a number 20.

The Griswold #20 is a massive skillet and can cost a pretty penny online. And it is called the Griswold Hotel skillet.

Large block logo without heat ring (smooth bottom)

Griswold also put the large block logo on cast iron skillets with a smooth bottom rather than the familiar heat ring. However, the sizes were more limited. Look out for sizes between 2-10 if you want to collect a complete set.

Smooth bottom skillets are not as desirable to collectors as skillets with heats rings. So you can expect to pay less for a Griswold without a heat ring.

Why the change? Cookware with heat rings was for use on wood or coal ranges. However, with the introduction of electric cookers, cast iron cookware with heat rings slowly gave way to cast iron skillets without heat rings.

So if you want an excellent old skillet without the price tag of highly collectible pieces. Then a skillet with Griswold Large Block trademark could be a great option.

Griswold made skillets with the large block logo and a flat bottom between 1930-1939.

Griswold slant logo without heat ring

Griswold also used the Slant logo on smooth bottom pans.

However, slant logos on skillets without a heat ring is not as common as skillets with a heat ring. These pieces seem to sell at a similar price to a smooth bottom Griswold with a block logo. Griswold made these skillets between 1939-1944.

Small block logo.

The Griswold Small Block marking is not as collectible to cast iron enthusiasts, but they are still fantastic skillets. Griswold drastically reduced the size of the logo, and skillets came without a heat ring. Skillets lost much of their character. But, there are some beautiful skillets around with the small block logo.

Watch out for sellers pricing these skillets at high prices. Because you can expect to pick up a skillet with the Griswold small block logo at a lower price than more collectible skillets.

Not the say the small block skillets are not any good. But the small block logo is simply not as collectible, so you may pick a good skillet at bargain prices.
The Small Block logo was made between 1939-1957.

Griswold Manufacturing’s big brands were Erie and Griswold. But they also made cast iron cookware under different brands.

Griswold like other foundries made a lower grade range of cast iron cookware. And was more budget-friendly.

Griswold Manufacturing’s budget-friendly line.

Griswold Manufacturing Manufacturing a budget brand called Victor.

Victor was a budget-friendly line of cast iron. Griswold made Victor skillets between the 1880s to the 1930s. And the logo also changed over the 50 years. Simply marked in the beginning with Victor at the 12 o’clock position like Erie skillets. Later the logo on the cast iron skillets became embellished.

Griswold Manufacturing marketed Victor cast iron as a lower grade. But, this does not mean lower quality. But the skillets still have super smooth cooking surfaces.

Iron Mountain

Griswold made another lower-priced range of cast iron known as Iron Mountain. Unlike other cookware made by Griswold Manufacturing, the Iron Mountain range doe not have a logo or trademark on the ironware. This makes it hard to identify than other skillets

But there are a few characteristics which the Iron Mountain skillet series have which can identify them. Look for a rectangular hole in the handle.

Griswold made Iron Mountain cast iron between the 1930s-1940s. Since Iron Mountain cast-iron was a budget line. It is probably not a surprise Iron Mountain skillets have a heat ring for use on older wood and coal ranges.

Griswold Manufacturing made skillets for other companies.

Sears contracted with Griswold Manufacturing Company to make cast iron cookware for their department stores. The Cast Iron Collector also has some great information on cast iron store brands. Griswold store bands that included.

Store brands manufactured in the Griswold foundry.

Griswold cast iron skillet identification and dating.

  • You can identify your skillet by using logos and marking on your skillet. This site and other online resources can help you date your Griswold cast iron skillet.
  • The Griswold slant logo block logo with a heat ring is more desired by collectors, And they also tend to be more expensive than skillets without a heat ring.
  • However, you will most likely pick up a great Griswold skillet without a heat ring at a lower price.

Pre Griswold is a term used for Erie skillets.

Erie cast iron is sometimes described as Pre Griswold. Griswold Manufacturing Company made Erie cast iron cookware. However, the Erie logo was used before Griswold started to place their company name on their cookware.

Griswold Skillets are wonderful but take your time if you want to buy one.

If you have a Griswold Cast iron skillet. Then you should be one proud owner. Many pay a premium for Griswold cast iron skillets. However, the word is out Griswold to the name to collect. And some sellers are asking some hefty prices. Just take your time if you want to buy one of these beauties.

Griswold made other brands.

If you have an Erie or a Griswold, then you have yourself one fine skillet. But the store brands and the Iron Mountain range are pretty good too. Even though smooth bottom skillets are not as collectible many prefer them on modern hobs.

What is pan in dating site mean

There is good reason Griswold has the reputation of making some of the best antique cast-iron you can cook with.

Enjoy your skillet.

Here are some FAQs.

How much is my Griswold Skillet worth?

Even though an exact amount can not be placed on your skillet. Some sizes and logos are more desired by collectors and enthusiasts. Generally, skillets with heat rings and larger skillets sell at higher prices.

How much should I pay for a Griswold skillet?

Some Griswold cast iron skillets are rarer than others. While the word is out that Griswold cast iron is the name to collect, some asking prices have skyrocketed and are getting onto the crazy territory.
However, many sellers value their sellers at market value. Especially those who specialize and trade-in vintage cast iron. Another place to look is the sold listings on eBay. It will give you an idea of the value of your skillet.

How old is my Griswold cast iron skillet?

If your skillet has a Griswold logo, it was made between 1905-1957. During this time, the Griswold Manufacturing Company used a variety of logos and markings Griswold skillets. Luckily we can use these markings to determine the age of your Griswold cast iron skillet.

If you have enjoyed this article, be sure to check out my other articles on vintage cast iron.

  • Wagner Wagner was a Griswold Manufacturing main Competitor.
  • Wapak Hollow Ware used Erie skillets for templates for their own cast iron skillets.
  • Favorite Stove and Range made excellent cast iron. Favorite Piqua Ware, in my opinion, is equal to Wagner and Griswold.
  • Sidney Hollow Ware is one of my favorite makers. They also made their cast iron extremely light.

Hi Terry

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Thanks for getting in touch, and you’re lucky to have an old piece of cast iron history. These old griddles are hard to find, and it sounds like the logo is in good condition. Unfortunately, due the era, many Griswold griddles with this logo are pitted. And often the wording is hard to read.


What Is Pan In Dating Site Code

I’ve only seen the diamond logo centralized in the griddle. So, if yours is offset, that’s very interesting. It looks like Griswold used this logo from the mid 1880s until the 1910s.

What Is Pan In Dating Site Meaning

I bet it cooks some great pancakes, enjoy your griddle Terry.

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