- Things To Ask Someone Online Dating
- Things To Ask In Dating Site Conversation Starters
- Things To Ask In Dating Site Conversation For A
- Things To Ask In Dating Site Conversation Questions
Customise these funny online dating questions. Remember to not use all the questions verbatim or else you might sound too formal. If you want to make your date laugh, you must rephrase the question and weave it into the conversation in a suave manner. Ask questions/make funny comments related to their bio. Oct 22, 2021 The thought of having to start a conversation on a dating site can be intimidating and tricky for beginners. Nonetheless, it’s a skill you have to learn. Starting a conversation after you find a compatible partner is a way for you to get to know each other and, hopefully, fall in love and settle down. The Five Best Online Dating Questions To Ask In Email. Help you find sites site your city and area, and even those who are sex the same things as you! Types of questions to ask online dating - Rich woman looking for older woman & younger woman. I'm laid back and get along with everyone. Looking for an old soul like myself.
We live in the era where online dating is at its prime. There are tonnes of apps out there, and it seems like every day more pop up with a new and different angle. And while I've got no issues with online dating, it does take away the good ol' fashion way of finding 'the one' - in person. But we've seemed to have adapted to this online dating culture and I don't see it going away any time soon.
Online dating is actually really hard and can be super awkward, let's be totally honest! Without having met a person, you have to determine whether or not you're both compatible enough to want to sit down with on an actual date. One of the best ways to determine how you're going to do that, is by asking the right questions that will put you somewhat at ease.
I've used online dating apps on and off for awhile, and in one memorable situation prior to meeting up with the guy, we used to do this thing where he would ask me a random question, mid conversation, and I would have to answer then reply back. It was a fun way to get to know things about him before going out with him for the first time.
With that in mind, here are a few questions, that'll hopefully send you in the right direction on whether or not you are ready to meet the gorgeous person you've matched with online!
1. What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?
This is a good conversation starter, and one that really kick starts your conversation on a more serious note that, 'hi you're hot, let's link up'. Everyone has something that motivates them in life, and to ask them what that is really tells the person you're trying to get to know them.
2. Did you go to school? And if so, Where do you go to and why?
Not everyone's profile tells you where they went to school. Did they go to an ivy league-esque school? Or the party school? Was their major the whole reason they attended? Whatever the reason it may be, this helps you to kind of see what helps that make big decisions.
3. What is your most bizarre talent or quirk?
This is a fun one! We all have that one thing about us that stands out and finding out what makes the person unique is entertaining. If they're willing to share this with you, then you can tell that this person is open and welcoming.
4. Who is your biggest role model?
Everyone has someone they admire, so this is a good general question to ask online daters. Influential figures are important to your date for a reason. You can find out a lot about a person by getting them to describe someone they hope to emulate.
5. What is your favourite movie, book or TV and why?
This might be a very unoriginal question to ask, but it is a classic for a reason. People enjoy talking about their favourite things so this one is usually a great ice breaker. And of course if you share any of the answers in common, even better!
6. What is your typical Saturday night?
This is a low-key way of asking 'are you a wasteman', alcoholic party animal, a Netflix loving, take out kind of person, or something else entirely. Every answer comes with own ups and downs, it all just depends on your taste.
7. What is a cause you're really passionate about?
There is nothing like hearing someone tell you about their passions. People's face lights up and their eyes twinkle and they can talk forever about this topic when something is really special to them. Now, this may be behind a phone or computer screen, but when people are really passionate about something, it will shine through even a piece of technology.
8. What are some of your interests?
You may think, 'aren't passions and interests the same thing?' and the answer would be, 'yes and no'. They can be totally different things or can align with people's passions, so this is a question worth asking.
9. Are you religious?
While this might be a touchy topic for some, other might be very open about it. A question like this can really help you see if a person's values are similar to yours or not, or if you are able to align with them.
10. What is your go-to drink on a night out?

Another pretty standard question. Are you going to be splitting pitchers, getting wine drunk or enjoying an ice cold cola? It is very important to know before hand for sure.
11. Where does your family live? See them often?
Family values are pretty important to most people. And if they aren’t? While that’s acceptable, you want to be sure that the other person’s perspective on family matches yours. Future you would want to know!

12. What is your favourite kind of vacation?
Beach bum, or thrill seeking traveler? In the future should things pan out will you be splurging to lounge on the beaches of the Caribbean or will you be walking on the Great Wall of China? This also gives them and you a chance to talk about previous vacations, expanding the conversation.
13. Why are you on here?
Here as in whatever online dating profile you might be on. This will help you weed out and determine whether or not this person just wants to hook up and have fun or find an actual committed relationship, and if that is what you also want.
14. What about my profile struck out to you?
Ideally this does the same as the previous question and goes more in depth by directly targeting their intentions for just you. You can end up getting a more direct answer that won't be a copy and paste. If he or she only states general things that might just be changing someone's name for yours, you'll know.
15. What is your favourite embarrassing story?
Finding someone who has the ability to take themselves not too seriously at times is so so good. By asking them this, not only gives them the chance to tell you a good story (because let's be real, embarrassing stories are hilarious), but to also showcase their sense of humour.
16. What's an accomplishment you're most proud of?
It is okay to let someone brag about themselves. You are allowing them to be really proud of something that they've done and that let's them know that you'll be a great person to meet in person because you are making them feel good about themselves.
17. Would you rather swim with sharks or go sky diving?
Random questions are hilarious to ask to keep the person on their toes! t opens the door to telling stories, sharing fears, or making jokes. If you’re an adrenaline junkie, you can highlight your adventurous nature with this type of question.
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Hereis a list of Christian dating questions. They are intendedto help you get to know someone on the essential issues to know if investing more time in the relationship is a wise idea. This post was written by Rosemarie Ramsingh-Blackaby.
This post gives 16 questions for Christians to ask on dates. It specifically is written for Christian single women.
Christian single women want to date believers who help them grow in their relationship with the Lord. These questions will help with discerning this.
How to Ask These Questions
Try and ask these questions in an open-ended way. You will get more information from your date if you ask the questions in this way.
Listen very carefully to what is being said, especially if you haven’t lost your head yet in giddy infatuation.
By listening carefully to the answers, you will learn a lot about the character and suitability of your date as a potential Godly spouse.
1. Tell me how an ideal day off would look for you.
This will tell you about his style: is he on a schedule or relaxed? Is he physically active or sedentary most of the day? Is he in nature or in a crowd of people?
Find out what he would enjoy most on an ideal day and why. This will help you to know how your styles would mesh if you married.
2. Tell me about the very best day of your life.

This will tell you about the types of experiences he values most in life.
3. What are the 3 things you would most like to be sure you do before you die?
This will tell you about his values and priorities. See if any of them have anything to do with pursuing Jesus.
4. Tell me about how you came to know the Lord.
Look to see if he truly understands the Gospel and how his life changed after he got into a relationship with Jesus.
If he cannot clearly describe how he came to know the Lord, be aware he may not be a believer.
Things To Ask Someone Online Dating
5. What area of your life have you seen God working to change you?
If he is in a genuine relationship with God, his life should be changing as he matures in his spiritual life. If he says there have been no changes, that would be a bad sign.
It is ideal to be in a relationship with someone who is growing and developing to be more Christ-like every day.
6. Tell me about your parent’s relationship.
Probe deeper by asking follow-up questions. What were their respective roles? How was conflict resolved?
Be aware, without therapy, people who witnessed dysfunctional family dynamics as children often go on to repeat similar dysfunctions in their dating life.
7. How is your relationship with your parents right now?
A man with an ongoing beef with his parents (especially unforgiveness) will have ample opportunity to work out his unresolved conflicts on you if you get into a relationship with him.
Marriage relationships often echo early childhood family experiences.
People with unresolved conflict with their parents will often unwittingly project those issues onto you.
Forgiving the parents doesn’t mean he is seeing them for dinner every week. It just means he has made peace with his parents and has let go of any resentment over past hurts.
8. Is there an area in your life God has recently prompted you to start growing in?
Probe deeper with a few questions if needed:
- How did you know this area needed work?
- What specifically are you doing to grow in this area?
- Do you have any accountability set up and if so, what does that accountability look like?
This question will tell you whether he is actively working with God to grow right now. This is a real plus in a Christian dating partner or future spouse.
9. Tell me about your 3 closest friends.
People who are able to maintain healthy loving friendships will be more able to maintain a healthy loving marriage. The relational skills are similar.
If he has no close loving friendships that have lasted a long time that is not a good sign.
If his friends are all loving and growing Christians going after God with their whole hearts, that is a great sign too. We tend to become the average of our four to five closest friends.
Notice who his friends are and if they are living Godly lives. It will tell you a lot about him.
10. Tell me about a time when you were treated unfairly.
Things To Ask In Dating Site Conversation Starters
Explore more with this question. How did you respond?
This will tell you about whether he uses biblical principles to solve problems. Notice whether he forgives easily.
See if he seeks God’s solutions through prayer for problem resolution too.
11. Tell me about your prayer life.
Someone who doesn’t prioritize speaking with God daily is not developed spiritually.
Notice whether he seeks out God’s direction in prayer for decisions in his life.

12. Do you have any personal rules about money?
If you need more information based on the answer you get back, go deeper with these follow-up questions: How much debt do you have? What are your views on tithing?

Dating someone who is on the same page as you about money stewardship will lead to less conflict should the relationship lead to marriage.
It is better to not date someone who is in a lot of debt or relies on debt as a way of managing their finances. Also, tithing shows a reverence for God in finances and is a good sign in a potential dating partner.
For this question, notice whether he is gainfully employed and self-sustaining. A man who is not able to take care of himself financially yet is not in a position to be dating a potential Christian spouse.
14. What is your opinion about sex outside of marriage?
The bible is pretty clear about God’s desire for sex to be within a married relationship, and nowhere else.
Sexual purity ensures proper bonding and sexual bonding in sexual relationships within marriage.
If your date is not on the same page as you on this, my best advice to you as a Christian sister is to walk away. He could pressure you into sexual sin if you persist.
15. Tell me about your past dating relationships.
It is not a good sign if he blames all broken previous relationships on the other person, and took nothing away about what he could personally change or improve.
The ability to be self-aware and the willingness to work on one’s own personal problems are great signs in a dating partner.
16. Why do you want to be in a relationship with me?
If he talks about superficial things-like your looks or your musical tastes, these are not the things which build a sturdy relationship.
If he values your faith in God, or the fact he feels closer to the Lord since meeting you, or your sense of humor, those are examples of the deeper things that last in relationships.
Question for You
Are there some questions you find particularly informative when you go on dates? Feel free to leave a comment and share!
Things To Ask In Dating Site Conversation For A
This article provides 16 questions for Christians to ask on dates to understand their date’s values and motivations.
Things To Ask In Dating Site Conversation Questions
These questions will help in making a decision of whether the date is marriage material. If you are interested in reading further about Christian dating, consider reading this post on red flags in Christian dating. Happy dating!