Learning how to break the ice with a girl on Tinder is possibly the most important skill you’ll learn. As a man, it’s up to you to get the conversation started most of the time. That means if you can’t kick things off, you’re destined to be another silent match in her list. So, we have 121 pick up lines to break the ice and make her laugh. Whether you need something funny, charming, or a little dirty, we’ve got the perfect one-liner. View in gallery. In order to keep pace with the 21st century dating scene you need to act fast. If you spend too much time mulling over what you’re going to say, you might miss.
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- How To Break The Ice With A Girl Over Text In Dating Sites
- How To Break The Ice With A Girl Over Text In Dating Site Video
Guys, sometimes we need some clever pick up lines to let a girl know we like them. Sometimes we just need to break the ice with witty pickup lines.
Pickup lines are not a thing of the past. When chosen carefully and said from the heart, they can really get a girl's attention. Other times, pickup lines are our way of satirizing or making light of the bumbling awkwardness of first connections.
They're a few words that contain a joke or a compliment. They're a big part of how to flirt with a girl.
Jun 15, 2021 If you’re looking to break the ice and flirt with a girl you don’t know, keep things casual and make her feel special. Try making eye contact with her across the room for a second or 2 and smiling. If she smiles back or holds your gaze, go over and introduce yourself. You can say something simple like, “Hey, I’m Jake. How To Break The Ice With A Girl – In Person, Online Or Over Text “I’m just so bad with women, Derek,” Dan, a young man just a few years out of college, told me. “I’ve never had that much experience in dating. I can’t even hold a proper conversation, and approaching women freaks me out. What should I do, Derek?”.
12 Best Clever Pick up Lines
via: Bigstockphotos / deagreez
Whether you're looking to ask a special woman out on a date, or you're just looking for a cute way to get her attention, we have curated a list of the best clever pickup lines for every situation.
Here are the 12 best clever pickup lines:
1. I would flirt with you, but I'd rather seduce you with my awkwardness.
Dating is awkward these days and talking openly about what makes us feel and act awkward is a key way to connect around a common emotion.
2. I know what you're thinking...'Sure, he looks nice enough, but can he ride a unicycle?' and the answer is no.
You're talking about the list that everyone has in their minds of all the things their future partners ought to be.
3. Wanna eat cookie dough together some time?
Our common guilty indulgences can make for great witty pickup lines.
4. On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tomorrow night?
You're inserting a little bit of gratitude for the free country we live in.
5. Is your name Ariel? Because we mermaid for each other.
A man who knows his Disney movies by character is a catch.
6. Your eyes are like IKEA...I get lost in them.
And maybe you can try your hands at building IKEA furniture together without instructions to really test your affections.
via: Pexels / Min An
7. Even though there aren’t any stars out tonight, you're still shining like one.
Let your romantic side show. Get the stars involved.
8. Are you a 45-degree angle? Because you’re acute-y!
Unabashedly cheesy is sometimes just what the doctor ordered.
9. Do you know if there are any police around? Cause I’m about to steal your heart.
We think we're in control of our emotions and then we lose them to love in the form of thieves.
10. If I was an octopus, all my 3 hearts would beat for you.
If she saw Finding Dory, she'll get this one right away.
11. I should call you Google, because you have everything I’m looking for.
You're saying you're blown away by her in all directions.
12. Are you made out of grapes? Because you are fine as wine!
Fine and wine are a nice, crisp rhyme to make a witty pickup line.
11 Clever But Cute Pickup Lines
via: Unsplash / JD Mason
If you're looking for a way to connect and show your soft side, you'll love our list of cute pickup lines.
Here are 11 clever but cute pickup lines:
13. You're so cute it's distracting.
Especially if she's young, 'cute' is a safe way to compliment a girl because it's a general term that could refer to her personality, her habits, or her looks, or all of them.
14. I’m no organ donor but I’d be happy to give you my heart.
To give her your heart is to commit your affection to her.
15. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I’m willing to make an exception in your case.
It takes a lot to change an entire belief system.
16. Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favorite.
It's clever to take the idea of feminine curves and apply it to something as simple as a smile.
17. Do you have a bandaid? Cause I scrapped my knees falling for you.
To fall for someone is to realize they have your heart on a toothpick.
18. Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
Smiles are as bright as sunshine.
via: Pexels / Brynna Spencer
19. I’m sorry, were you talking to me? [No] Well then, please start.
You're saying you'd love to connect.
20. I’d say God Bless you, but it looks like he already did.
Blessed is she with all things beautiful and good in your eyes.
21. I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it.
It doesn't take a math genius to make good use of a phone number.
22. Even if there wasn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you.
Capitalize on the totally intended falling puns.
23. How much does a polar bear weight? Enough to break the ice!
There's nothing better than a cheesy joke to put your intention out there.
11 Clever And Still Cheesy Pick Up Lines
via: Depositphotos / Rawpixel
While a few of these actually work for initial encounters in real life, a lot of these cheesy pickup lines are just for fun and flirting.
Here are 11 clever and still cheesy pickup lines:
24. Please keep your distance. I might fall for you.
The chemistry is supercharged right now.
25. What’s your name? Or can I call you “mine”?
Sometimes it's nice to know we're accounted for.
26. Can I tie your shoes? I don’t want you falling for anyone else.
You never know where you'll end up with untied shoelaces.
27. Let’s be nothing. ‘Cause nothing lasts forever.
Take that wisdom and make it your own.
28. Sorry, but you owe me a drink. Well, when I saw you, I dropped mine.
You felt her presence and you were shook.
29. I value my breath, so it’d be nice if you stopped taking it away every time you walked by.
She takes your breath away.
via: Pexels / Just Name
30. You must do interior design because you definitely made this room more beautiful.
There are lots of ways to light up a room and she is one of them.
31. So last night, I was reading the book of Numbers and I realized I don’t have yours.
It's a silly way to ask for a phone number.
32. See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I’m cute.
Insert a middle man to get real answers.
33. Hey, this Halloween, how ’bout you and I being boyfriend and girlfriend?
You could choose from all the cheesy couples costumes. Plug and socket, anyone?
34. Besides being gorgeous, what do you do for a living?
Throw in a compliment with a logical question.
5 Clever But Dumb Pickup Lines
via: Pexels / Pixabay
Most of these pickup lines are not to be taken seriously. Well-timed dumb pick up lines could get you some laughs if you're close with the people you're with. They could go horribly astray. So use caution with these.
Here are 5 clever but dumb pickup lines:
35. Didn’t You Wear That Yesterday?
Were you getting it on somewhere besides your place all night long?
36. You are almost as hot as my mom.
Consider this a compliment of the highest order.
37. How much does it cost to date you? Cause damn, you look expensive!
She looks well-maintained.
38. I’m in a Boyband called Wrong Direction.
You can find your mind in the gutter.
39. You MUST have a nice personality.
Mock dating platitudes to boost originality.
How To Break The Ice With A Girl Over Text In Dating Site Free
7 Clever But Funny Pickup Lines
via: Bigstockphotos / NeonShot
Use these funny pick up lines to ruin your chances with most girls. These hilarious pick up lines can help you weed out those who can take your humor. Maybe the girl who does find you funny is the one.
Here are 7 clever funny pick up lines:
40. I have to say “Hi” to the prettiest girl in the room… Can you help me say “Hi” to that girl over there?
Ouch. But at least you weren't being predictable.
41. I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’re making the other girls look bad.
You think she's pretty.
42. Are you the square root of -1 because you can’t be real.
It's math geek stuff.
How To Break The Ice With A Girl Over Text In Dating Site Online

via: Pexels / 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐇𝐃 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞- 𝐮𝐩 & 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞
43. You are so beautiful that I would marry your brother just to get into your family.
Nobody is really trying to impress anyone here.
44. You like sleeping? Me too! We should do it together sometime.
Sleeping, screwing, who's really keeping track?
45. The only thing your eyes haven’t told me is your name.
You're actually asking what her name is here.
46. Please call 9-1-1, because you just made my heart stop!
You'll need CPR. Is she trained?
8 Clever But Cringy Pickup Lines
via: Unsplash / Louis Hansel
We're seriously just joking with these cringy pickup lines.
Use them with caution and take responsibility for yourself if things go south.
Here are 8 clever but cringy pickup lines:
47. You know how I got these guns? [Point to biceps] Lifting children out of poverty.
Don't say we didn't warn you that these are bad. This could work for a really scrawny guy.
48.You can’t be my first, but you could be my next.
We're all animals.
49. I just got dumped, and I think that you could make me feel better.
You're not even going to pretend to be a functional human being.
50. I know you're busy today, but can you add me to your to-do list?
You're asking her to do you.
via: Pexels / Lisa Fotios
51. My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in.
This is for the people who love TMI.
52. Is your body from McDonald's? Cause I'm lovin' it!
You're not even trying to impress her.
53. Are you my appendix? Because I don't understand how you work but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out.
What is the appendix for? Why does the medical establishment keep it a secret?
54. Do you like sales? Because if you're looking for a good one, clothing is 100% off at my place.
Please strip ASAP.
4 Clever But Also The Worst Pick Up Lines
via: Unsplash / loly galina
Pickup lines have also developed a reputation for showing the worst sides of the courtship and seduction dance.
You may not get the girl with these worst pick up lines, but hey, everything in life is worth trying once.
Here are 4 clever but also the worst pick up lines:

55. You are almost as beautiful as my sister. But well, you know, that's illegal.
Beauty isn't even in the eye of the beholder anymore anyway. Maybe she has a great personality.
56. Did you fart? ‘cause you blew me away.
There have been enough reports of people farting on the first date and then getting married and living happily ever after to ignore the possibility that breaking wind is everything that's missing in dating.
57. Can I buy you a drink – or would you just prefer the five bucks?
Maybe she doesn't drink and she'd like to donate the money to her favorite charity or cause.
58. Is your name Gillette? Because you’re the best a man can get!
Those who shave together stay together. Just saying.
8 clever yet sweet pick up lines
via: Unsplash / Vidar Nordli-Mathisen
If you aren't careful with pick up lines, clever can come off as cocky and unlikable. You need to find a balance, and that balance can be achieved by using clever and sweet pick up lines. These lines communicate that, sure, you're witty and smart, but you're also a nice a guy who wants to make this lady happy.
Here are 8 clever yet sweet pick up lines:
59. Hi. I don’t want to try to use some clever pick up line, so can I buy you a drink?
Arguably, this is the most clever line you could use.
60. I’m feeling kind of insecure right now. Could I have a hug?
Play this a little cute and silly, so she can see the humor as well as the sweetness here.
61. Does your watch have a second hand? I want to know how long it took for me to fall in love with you.

A little misdirection here, so you catch her off-guard with the complement.
62. If beauty were sunlight, you’d shine from a million light-years away.
A great line if you're trying to impress a girl who loves science.
63. I can’t believe I am standing face to face with the woman of my dreams.
How To Break The Ice With A Girl Over Text In Dating Site Video
Play this for a bit of a laugh to show you are both in on the joke.
64. I asked God for a sign, and you showed up with the answer.
A biblically sweet and amusing way to introduce yourself.
65. If anybody asks for the direction to my heart, you are welcome to answer them.
This is a clever way to reverse the 'you have my heart' line, so it feels new and cleverer.
66. Michelangelo couldn’t do you justice.
If she's an artist, or just loves art, she'll love this line.
6 Clever and also Smooth Pick Up Lines
via: Unsplash / Renzo Santana
When your pick up lines are smooth, they're bound to be clever. Smooth pick up linesare definitely going to make her remember you, so make sure you'll have one of these ready!
Here are 6 clever and also smooth pick up lines:
67. Are you a loan? 'Cause you've got my interest!
And please be sure you're not going past due!
68. Kiss me if I'm wrong. But dinosaurs still exist, right?
Oh yeah, real clever!
69. How come you're not on top of a Christmas tree? I thought that's where angels belonged.
And stars too, right?
70. Hershey's makes millions of kisses a day.. .all I'm asking for is one from you.
...One each day.
71. Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me!
and I've Ben Solo for quite a while now you know.
72. You don’t need keys to drive me crazy.
No need for license too!
8 Clever but Bad Pick Up Lines
via: Unsplash / Brandon Jackson
Can bad pick up lines be actually clever? Well, there's no better way to know than to see for yourself by taking a look at these items below.
Here are 8 clever but bad pick up lines:
73. I’ve lost my teddy bear! Can I sleep with you instead?
Uh-oh. You might get slapped in the ace with this you know!
74. Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? Cause you look like a snack!
Another cringe-worthy line that can cause trouble here. Use sparingly.
75. If I had a garden I’d put your tulips and my tulips together.
I'll be straightforward once and floral.
76. You are so hot, it’s girls like you that are the real reason for global warming.
Your Science teacher will definitely not be happy with this one.
77. You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.
Only a few can get away with this.
78. Stop, drop, and roll, baby. You are on fire.
Somebody call the Fire Department!
79. I'm addicted to yes, and I'm allergic to no. So what's it gonna be?
Guess it's antihistamine time!
80. You make me wanna clean up my room.
You do know this one's not doing you any favors, right?
via: Unsplash / HiveBoxx
How to Use the Best Clever Pick Up Lines
Some of our pickup lines are real-life applicable. Some of our pickup lines are just for laughs.
Here is how to use the best clever pick up lines:
1. Pick a general observation about her personality
via: Unsplash / Elle Hughes
In the current social climate that is rich with dialogue about appropriate consent between men and women, women are quite reasonably, on guard about objectification. You are safer avoiding potential misunderstanding altogether by making a positive, optimistic observation about a girl's personality.
2. Pick up lines can be a fun
This is where you can get playful and border on inappropriate. When you have established your partner's boundaries when it comes to their sense of humor, a raunchy, cheesy pickup line might be just what you need for a laugh after a long day.
3. Add an emoji or two to clarify your meaning
via: Pexels / Victoria Borodinova
If you're not sure if your words will come across exactly as you intend, a smiley face or a tongue-out smile emoji will make clear the playfulness of your intent.
4. Do not worry too much
They can be funny. They can be cheesy. They can between. At the end of the day, they are only the most superficial layer of interaction. So plow past it and find out what makes her really tick and share something vulnerable with her that gives her a sense of your humanity and qualifications as a potential partner.
Downloadable and Printable List of Clever Pick Up Lines
Here is a downloadable and printable list of Clever Pick Up Lines (right click the image and select Save Image As):
via: Mantelligence
More Ways On How To Flirt With A Girl:
It's nice to have a couple of pickup lines that really work up your sleeves. Some of them are just for fun. Some of them are funny things to say when you're trying to get frisky in an already established relationship.
However, if you're serious about cultivating deep, lasting, authentic relationships with women, you'll want to do a lot more than just say the right things. You'll want to work on your overall vibe.
- Grasping what women want will help you get clear on your communication and comprehension of relationships.
- Understanding women is an integral part of relationship integrity.
- Learning how to talk to girls is key to establishing a mutually fulfilling connection.
- Texting and being in constant contact requires knowing how to flirt with a girl over text
- Make sure you never miss the signs a girl is flirting with you
In Conclusion
Clever pickup lines are great ways to break the ice when you've first met a girl face to face or online. Witty pickup lines are a big part of flirting.
Some of them are complimentary. Some of them are puns intended. Others are best used between two people who have an established sense of humor in common. In other words, for entertainment purposes only.
Create your own, or speak from the heart. At the end of the day, authenticity and honesty speak far louder than any pickup line.
Learning how to break the ice with a girl on Tinder is possibly the most important skill you’ll learn. As a man, it’s up to you to get the conversation started most of the time. That means if you can’t kick things off, you’re destined to be another silent match in her list.
You and I both know you’re better than that so today I’m going to go through some tips to help out. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the info you need to make a great first impression and keep that conversation going.
The Best Tinder Openers to Get Her Attention
Let’s face it, her inbox is a busy place. Sure, there are a sea of guys who sit there silently. There are an equal number that just throw out a lazy “hi” and we like those guys — they make it so much easier for us to stand out.
The thing is, there are still a decent number of actual conversations happening in her Tinder inbox, too. Interesting, engaging conversations that she’s into. The first thing your Tinder openers have to achieve is getting her attention. Here are three great ways to do just that.
Start by talking about her
No matter what her style or personality type, everyone’s favorite topic is themselves. So, one of the best ways to break the ice on Tinder is to start by talking about something you saw in her profile.
It shows that you’re not just recycling the same message over and over again. Instead, you’re actually paying attention to her specifically.
This can be something she mentioned in her bio, an interesting observation from her photos or even a question about something else you noticed. Bonus points if you can also relate on the same point.
“Hey Sarah! I see you’re into horses, when did you start riding? Believe it or not, I used to compete when I was younger.”
The only thing you should be avoiding here is compliments on her personal appearance. They give the wrong impression, no matter what you’re looking to get out of this exchange.
Questions are your trusty fallback
Every now and then you’ll come across a profile that really does give you nothing. She has a blank bio and while her photos are interesting enough, you just can’t find anything to open with. Knowing what to say first on Tinder when this scenario presents itself is tough.
When that happens, just start with a question about one of her photos. If she has a photo on a beach somewhere, ask her about it. You can even go with “That beach looks familiar, where were you in that photo?”
It’s simple and basic but it can also lead to an interesting and positive conversation. Unless you’re in an area near the beach, it was probably taken on a vacation. That alone gives you so much to work with.
If you’re really stuck, simple humor can be a good option
Provided it fits with your personality, having a canned last resort can usually be good enough. You can roll out your favorite would you rather question, a silly dad joke/gif combo. . . whatever suits your personality.

Of course, these won’t always go over well with every match. The way I look at it, if her sense of humor doesn’t mesh with mine, that’s okay — we probably weren’t going to get along anyway.
That said, these should be saved for when you just can’t find anything more interesting to say. Canned messages shouldn’t be your first option for breaking the ice on Tinder.
How to Break the Ice with a Girl on Tinder
Whether you’re unsure what to say first on Tinder or you’ve tried and had no response, it’s okay. We’ve all been there and it’s totally normal.
Tinder is a very shallow and fast-paced numbers game. If you’ve only tried talking to one or two women, you need to put yourself out there more. It could simply be that the two women you did message have uninstalled the app. The silence may have nothing to do with you or your Tinder opening lines at all.
If you’re looking to improve your dating game all around, we have the perfect solution for that too. We’ve designed a fantastic video dating course aimed at learning how to attract and land dates from women over 30. No matter what your weak points are, you’re going to get a lot of value from it.
With that in mind, let’s get into the things you need to know when learning how to break the ice on Tinder.
Say something, anything!
One huge positive for you and me is that overall, men on these apps set the bar incredibly low. If you’re really struggling with what to say first on Tinder, remember this fact. Not a lot of men know how the break the ice with a girl on Tinder, but now you do.
If you’ve never looked at a woman’s Tinder, you may be surprised at just how bad it is. Saying literally anything at all will put you ahead of a large portion of your competition.
Even then, our study found that 38 percent of men who message women will say some variation of “Hey”, “Hi” or “How are you?” Yes, seriously.
I’d suggest taking a look at our article and infographic about what men say in their first online dating message. It really puts things into perspective.
Don’t open with anything sexual
Being sexual on Tinder is absolutely acceptable, just not as an ice breaker. Even if you mean it as a joke, that may be lost on her, unfortunately.
What you have to remember is that she’ll have a lot of matches to choose from. She’s also used to scrolling through a mass of rubbish messages and “DTF?” ice breakers. If your opener looks like one of those at first glance, it’s unlikely you’ll get any further than that.
There are so many better topics to choose from so let the sexual stuff come later.
Of course, there are some cases when a woman starts off being super sexual. In that case, you can tease her a bit before asking her some sexual questions that just might get you laid fast.
Be quick about it
You don’t have to message her the moment you match, just don’t try doing it three months later.
Every now and then this will happen for one reason or another and that’s okay. What you don’t want to do is go maxing out your daily swipe limit and only messaging your matches every month or so.
Doing this is going to lower your success rate significantly. If she was excited to see that you both matched initially, that excitement has long been forgotten. Even worse, people come and go from Tinder all the time. Leaving it too long increases the chances that she deletes the app in that time.
Even if she installs it again, she’s probably not going to respond to old messages. Strike while the iron is hot and you’ll see an immediate improvement in the number of responses you get.
More often than not, guys aren’t sure how to break the ice with a girl on Tinder and so they just don’t do it! It can feel a bit intimidating but after the first couple of times, you’ll feel so much more comfortable.
Make reference to her profile
Nobody likes to feel like just a number in a system. The more you can demonstrate that you’re paying attention to her, the better your success rate is going to be. After all, you did try to write a good Tinder bio, right? Wouldn't it be nice if your matches noticed?
I’ve definitely had a couple of instances where women were just pasting the same opener. It felt generic and insincere — like I was opening a lazy marketing email rather than having a conversation.
As you’re thinking of a tinder opening line to use, take a minute or so to read her bio and look through her photos. Somewhere in there, you’re going to find something of interest. Mentioning that in your opener shows that you’ve put in a bit of effort and deserve that attention.
Humor is ideal
If you’ve read some of my other Tinder articles, you’re probably sick of seeing me repeat this point. Good! It’s important enough to make its way into these articles every time for a reason.
The ability to develop and convey a good sense of humor gives you a massive advantage. In a sea of blank conversations and one-word openers, the ability to make her laugh is huge. It's one of the best ways to flirt with a girl on Tinder without looking like a creep.
Even if your opening joke just gets you noticed enough to start a conversation, that’s all you really need. Once you’ve reached that point, keeping it going is usually easier than you might think.
If you’re struggling a bit with Tinder conversation in general, you’re in luck. We’ve talked extensively about how to talk to girls on Tinder. I broke down the biggest mistakes guys make and how to correct them.
How To Break The Ice With A Girl Over Text In Dating Site For Free
Spelling and grammar
This is a much bigger deal than you might expect. Particularly if she’s in a field where her own spelling and grammar are important.
I actually dated a lawyer for a few years which meant spending a lot of time around her lawyer friends. Any time the topic of Tinder came up, this was one of their biggest reasons to unmatch someone. “Ugh, seriously learn how to use an apostrophe… unmatch” was a very common phrase. They were better off communicating with photos on Tinder!
If spelling or grammar aren’t your strong points, technology is there to help. I’d suggest downloading the Grammarly keyboard for your phone. Similar to spell check, it’ll also watch your grammar and make suggestions.
It’ll help your chances on Tinder and, over time, improve your English in general. Best of all, it’s free! If you’re struggling with how to break the ice on Tinder, at least this one is easily resolved.
Compliments are okay but think beyond the physical
I’d even go so far as to say avoid compliments in general when starting a conversation on Tinder. They do have their place though so if you’re going to open with one, avoid complimenting her appearance.
How To Break The Ice With A Girl Over Text In Dating Sites
Tinder is inherently shallow in the swiping phase so you can safely assume mutual attraction. Look for other things that you like about her instead. Maybe she’s into a male-dominant sport or has a photo from some amazing location.
Whatever you do, just make sure you aren’t joining the long list of guys who said: “Hey sexy.” Ugh.
Don’t open by talking about yourself
How To Break The Ice With A Girl Over Text In Dating Site Video
Another common complaint from women about Tinder is self-obsessed guys. Whether it’s the initial conversation or the first date, guys who focus on themselves don’t make it very far. Being self-indulgent isn't how Tinder works.
Sometimes it might seem like it makes sense to start with something about yourself but I’d avoid it. Instead, go with a general greeting and something about her. After that, go right ahead, just be conscious of that balance in the conversation.
Even once you get through to the first date, make sure there’s some healthy back and forth.
See, learning how to break the ice on Tinder doesn’t seem quite so scary now that you have a few pointers to help you out, right? Over time you’ll get much more comfortable with the idea.
After a month or so of practice, you’ll know exactly what to say first on Tinder and wonder how you ever struggled. Go ahead and give it a try and don’t forget to let us know what worked for you.