I'm a guy in mid-late 20s in Boston, and while I don't feel like the dating scene is bad here for men, I also don't find it to be amazing. However, since I haven't lived in any other major city, maybe it is amazing and my expectations are too high. I'm curious for people who have lived in Boston and NYC how the dating scene differs for men. Assuming you are using dating apps, do you find it's easier to match with attractive women in Boston or NYC? I've actually heard that both are supposed to be pretty good

The toughest part about dating in NYC is that there are so many choices, which leads people to pretty much behave in the flightiest way by default. This is particularly troubling for the ladies, since the demographics tip in the men's favor in terms of sheer numbers. This is a symptom of a girl who's been hot all her life and the wall hasn't mentally set in quite yet. All girls on online dating get sucked into this warped reality. Every guy is swooning over you. Any right you swipe is a match, so the power goes to your head.
Speed Dating In New York
- Dating in NYC in your early to mid 20s is an absolute nightmare. I thought perhaps I wasn’t attractive or successful enough until I realized even my pretty girlfriends who had their shit together were having just as hard of a time. NYC unfortunately has a “live fast” culture.
- I have a friend or two in their 20’s that legitimately enjoy dating in NYC more so than being in a relationship. For people in their 30’s, some of the most successful relationships were ones that went and picked up a hobby like bouldering/meetup game nights and met others with like interests.
- Online dating photos, dating profile critiques + professional headshots SF / NYC / LA Contact me directly through my website.I WILL NOT READ PM's HERE. limit my search to u/usctrojan415.