Recently, I heard yet another story of a woman connecting with a scammer on a legitimate dating site. These men are con artists who will find a way to touch your heart and your pocketbook without. What to do: Report the scam to the FTC on the agency’s website or by calling 888-382-1222 as well as the state attorney general. If the prize offer came in the mail, report that to the U.S.

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Post subject: Romanian Dating Scams - Have you been burnt?

Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:23 am
Posts: 3
I live in the UK and just recently been the subject of a scam, by a Romanian girl, who I learnt too late, was actually a man posing as a girl, and I had actually sent money, I lost around £600 (1100 euros), which I sent to this girl via Western Union to help her out. The problem seems endemic in anyone from Nigeria, Russia or in my case Romania - and people have lost a lot of money, I just feel a total idiot sometimes for falling for this.
Basically, these people, live of our vulnerabilities, our desire to love and be loved, that inner spirit that cares for our fellow men, these leeches feed on that. We're talking about countries where there is no employment, poverty is everywhere, and they've discovered the internet as a means to make money, by whatever devious tricks they can use. They use photos stolen from the internet, of innocent people, images and photos your friends and mine may put up to share with their friends, they steal these and pretend to
be something we may desire.
I sent the money to the girl (man) on tuesday, and she has n't been online or replied yet, there's always a pause in communication, almost creating a wanting in oneself for the person, and in the meantime, I'm sending her emails asking her did she get the money, how is her mum, did she pay the hospital the money so she could get the job, and all the time, this person, imagined in my head, is probably some teenager sitting in an internet cafe with his mates, creating a web of thick lies which swallows me up in a make belief world of trying to help someone else in the world who is less fortunate than I.
I have n't told all my story yet to anyone, just need to find the time to write it down and decide what I'm going to do about it. I want to write it down, so other people don't get duped, like I did. What I did do, was to ring Western Union, talked to their fraud department, told them I thought I'd been scammed by a man pretending to be a woman, and they have blacklisted the name I sent the money to, so at least for that particular identity, he won't be able to get any money from Western Union again. Western Unions attitude was, these people have loads of fake id's if one stops working, they'll use another one! I asked Western Union why they did n't warn me about sending money to Romania, and that scamming was rife in the country - he told me, the worst place is London, and being from the UK what could I say!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:31 am

Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:28 am
Posts: 1
A friend of ours got scammed by some Romanian women. I found this site if you want to report her, it says it's run by the Romanian government: ... b=0&lang=2
Let us know what happens.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:33 pm

Joined: Sun May 21, 2006 10:45 am
Posts: 5
Well, it appears that this scam is moving from country to country.
So,it's not only Nigeria and Russia now that is involved with romance scams.
Well, I think everyone will have to watch out for this new scams.
Thanks for the enlightenment.

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Post subject: Re: Romanian Dating Scams - Have you been burnt?

Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:21 am
Posts: 1
Hello Dan
I'm a 48 year old indian mother of a 22 year old son - student, living in the Gulf. my son is being the victim and cheated by a romanian girl, exactly like the way you got cheated. I'm so worried and trying to convince my son that its not a 'girl', but he is not believing. I was shocked when i saw a receipt of Euro 130 sent to a girl in Romania thru Western union, I'm investigating the matter. please forward if you have any more information on these kinds.
I live in the UK and just recently been the subject of a scam, by a Romanian girl, who I learnt too late, was actually a man posing as a girl, and I had actually sent money, I lost around £600 (1100 euros), which I sent to this girl via Western Union to help her out. The problem seems endemic in anyone from Nigeria, Russia or in my case Romania - and people have lost a lot of money, I just feel a total idiot sometimes for falling for this.
Basically, these people, live of our vulnerabilities, our desire to love and be loved, that inner spirit that cares for our fellow men, these leeches feed on that. We're talking about countries where there is no employment, poverty is everywhere, and they've discovered the internet as a means to make money, by whatever devious tricks they can use. They use photos stolen from the internet, of innocent people, images and photos your friends and mine may put up to share with their friends, they steal these and pretend to
be something we may desire.
I sent the money to the girl (man) on tuesday, and she has n't been online or replied yet, there's always a pause in communication, almost creating a wanting in oneself for the person, and in the meantime, I'm sending her emails asking her did she get the money, how is her mum, did she pay the hospital the money so she could get the job, and all the time, this person, imagined in my head, is probably some teenager sitting in an internet cafe with his mates, creating a web of thick lies which swallows me up in a make belief world of trying to help someone else in the world who is less fortunate than I.
I have n't told all my story yet to anyone, just need to find the time to write it down and decide what I'm going to do about it. I want to write it down, so other people don't get duped, like I did. What I did do, was to ring Western Union, talked to their fraud department, told them I thought I'd been scammed by a man pretending to be a woman, and they have blacklisted the name I sent the money to, so at least for that particular identity, he won't be able to get any money from Western Union again. Western Unions attitude was, these people have loads of fake id's if one stops working, they'll use another one! I asked Western Union why they did n't warn me about sending money to Romania, and that scamming was rife in the country - he told me, the worst place is London, and being from the UK what could I say!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:06 pm
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Joined: Thu May 19, 2005 7:06 pm
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Hi Rachel, and welcome to the board. Can you give us more information about this girl, such as her story, email address, email headers, phone #, etc. If you'd rather not post it all, you can send me a PM.

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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:30 am

Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:25 am
Posts: 2
I am the victim of a romanian woman. I just found out 2 days ago after a 4.5 year relationship. We have been planning for years, professing love and intentions. My entire family has grown to love her. 2 days ago I found out from her sister, who could no longer bare the lying, that she lived with another man and was using me all these years for money. I have lost 4 + years of my life, all of my hopes and dreams for a wife and children, and am suicidal. Never trust someone online, even when they profess they love you.

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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:06 pm
Gold Member

Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:31 am
Posts: 194
I am the victim of a romanian woman. I just found out 2 days ago after a 4.5 year relationship. We have been planning for years, professing love and intentions. My entire family has grown to love her. 2 days ago I found out from her sister, who could no longer bare the lying, that she lived with another man and was using me all these years for money. I have lost 4 + years of my life, all of my hopes and dreams for a wife and children, and am suicidal. Never trust someone online, even when they profess they love you.

This is a long time for a romance scam to continue for. Did you ever meet this woman?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:42 am

Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:25 am
Posts: 2
Yes we did in fact meet. It is now been 7 days from when I found out, and two suicide attempts later. She was going for the long-term scam. She was planning to marry me, get citizenship, divorce and take half of all I have and bring her Romanian guy here to America. It was the most cold and calculated thing a human being could do to another.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:52 pm
Site Admin/Co-Founder

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:09 pm
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I understand how finding out that you are the victim of a scam can turn your entire world upside down, but take it from me, it does get better. I know that once I found other people who went through the same thing that I did it did help to ease the pain a little . . . I knew I was not alone.
We are all here for you . . . to listen, offer advise, and support you as you get through this . . . AND YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS, I promise!

Shawn Mosch
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Brother is being scammed in dating site and h wont liten
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:46 pm

Joined: Fri May 04, 2007 1:39 pm
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Location: San Jose, Ca
Could someone please post photos, emails, etc about these girls.
I too was scammed in Dec 2006. I will post photos and email addresses when I get home.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 7:47 pm

Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 7:04 pm
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Location: Bend OR
Hi everyone. My name is Shane, and I have finally concluded that I have been a victim of a Romanian romance scam. Fortunately, I caught it fairly early on.
It started when she contacted me on Myspace (her account has since been deleted). She said her name was Helena (never would tell me her last flag number one), that she was a model, and was recently divorced. I too was recently divorced, so we had common things to talk about.
Once she had her claws in me, the stories started to roll in. Her mom was moving to Italy and she would be alone for the first time. Then she got evicted, and needed money to get a new apartment. Then she told me that when her mom got to Italy, the job she was promised didn't exist, so she was out of the country, with no money, home or work. She asked if I would help her get a bus ticket back to Romania for her mom, rather than help Helena pay for a new apartment. I wired $100 to her mom (Smirandita Hlinschii). Helena said she would stay at her work until she could get an apartment.
Next problems. She claimed to have major dental problems, and needed $3000 to pay the dentist. I didn't have this, and she asked if I could pay half of it. I told her no. A couple days later I told her I had a little extra money, and could wire her $200, but I would need her full name and address. She told me she couldn't pick up a money wire because she did not have photo ID. She said her passport had an outdated address on it, and she couldn't update it, as she was technically homeless. So, she told me I could wire it to her cousin, which I did (Suzana Vintila).
A few days later I asked if she received the money, and she said she did, but she spent it on food because she was so poor and hungry (she was really good at playing this angle). I asked if her mom ever made it back to Romania, and she said no, that she had found some friends that put her up, and found work for her. But she kept the money. I was more than a little curious about this.
Keep in mind this all took place over about 3 months. We talked almost daily, and I always thought it was odd that she would be up at 4am her time. She said it was just to see me. She had a webcam that she would turn on, so I know I was talking to a girl, and not just some guy at a keyboard, but I don't know how many people are behind the scenes. I never saw her with anyone, and for someone who claimed to be a model, she never had any money.
It all came to a head for me on Monday of this week. She told me she had more dental problems, and couldn't eat as a result. She need dental implants, and needed me to send $500. I could have done it, but told her I would not. She then told me that 'there are a lot of other guys who want to be my boyfriend, but I tell them no because I think you and I have something. I guess if we do, you will find a way'. That was it for me. I wasn't even thinking scam, I was just thinking no one threatens me like that.
I started to see all the holes in her story over the last few days, and decided to Google 'Romanian women scams'. That is how I found this site. Thanks guys for all the information on here, you saved me a lot of money. Over the last couple months I have learned to read and speak the Romanian language, and was planning a trip to Bucharest this fall. That trip alone would have cost me upwards of $5,000, and who knows what would have happened to me when I got there.
Here is what I know about her, including contact info, and red flags to be aware of.
yahoo ID: rodica_1986
Family: Claims to have a mother in Italy, a brother in Romania, sisters in London and Chicago, and friends in Michigan (?? I don't understand that one either)
Claims to be a model, and she claims to live in the studio. However, all of our conversations took place while she was at work, and all of them ended with her saying 'I'm going straight home'.
Claims to be 1/2 Russian, and 1/2 Romanian. Her parents divorced when she was 2.
Never had money for food, but was always just getting back from McDonalds.
She contacted me on Myspace, only to claim months later that she had never been to Myspace. There were so many lies, she couldn't keep them straight.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 8:03 pm

Joined: Fri May 04, 2007 1:39 pm
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Location: San Jose, Ca
Anyone know this girl? She was using the name Iuliana (Ana) Murat
She is 24yo from Constanta Romania.
Her email is/was

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 8:45 pm

Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 7:04 pm
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Location: Bend OR
Here is a picture of 'Helena'. 21 years old, Bucharest Romania.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:56 am

Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:10 am
Posts: 4
Well, all Romanian are trying to find a victim, this is their occupation. I kniw many people, men as well as women that are cheated this way and lost lot of money. The worst thing i, that those romanian crooks think they have all rights. NEVER EVER trust 1 romanian, all are unreliable crooks, bastards, I can tell u many stories about all.
I guess it will be time there will be a complete site and not just blame nigerian and russian people. Romanian are much worse.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:17 am

Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:13 pm
Posts: 4
I see somebody posted this link for complaints to Romanian government.
Has anybody tried this, are you sure it's a legitimate web site?
Also, I'd like to thank Shane - the details of your story made me finally realize I was being scammed by a Romanian girl. She had very similar stories...model living in a studio, needs money for food, dentist, to rent an apartment etc. It almost looks like slightly altered version of the same script.
Anyway, I may post more details later, because at this stage I have to be very careful. Hope you understand.


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